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    Monday, March 14, 2016

    how to beat the revenant

    the recommended level to beat the revenant is level 51. and the best jobs you can use here is jobs with multi-target physical attacks, like side winder, dark bane, cresent moon and etc. also get lightning weapons like raikiri or others. when ever you are possessed just attack the possessed character and the revenant will return to the armor and remember don't heal party members that are possessed because you are not healing you party member but your enemy.

    to help you more on defeating the revenant here is the job setup i did

    Yew : main job bishop or catmancer and sub job is whatever you want
    Magnolia : main job bishop  and sub job dancer with spellcraft
    Edea : main job dark knight or hawkeye and sub job is whatever you want
    Tiz : main job thief and sub job shamanism[hawkeye]

    here's main strategy you need to do

    1st use vivify-mist with Yew and just default your secondary healer and he or she will serve as a backup healer, for Tiz and Edea brave x4 immediately and use harpoon+3 multi target attacks you prefer

    rinse and repeat


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