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    Wednesday, March 2, 2016

    how to level up fast in Bravely Second: End Layer

    how to level up fast [exp and jp]in Bravely Second: End Layer

    before we start this guide, remember that when you are given a choice between summoner asterix or samurai asterix, choose summoner asterix simply because its has the strongest magic AOE command for important elemental magic attacks.

    lvl 7 to 15++ guide
    in the early part of the game the fastest way to level up is to use the wizard job class and mastering triple wield and equipping 3 best rods you can get, simply because of its AOE and spellcraft which enables you to strengthen your AOE by making it a single target attack with the use of dart spellcraft

    the 1st first place to early grind is in the place before you fight nikolai and janne

    the mobs that you should be fighting there are the soldiers which are weak to lightning, what you need to do is turn all your character to wizards, and attack the soldiers with 4 braved lightning AOE attack and it should look like this lightning>lightning>lightning>lightning then just default everyone else then after every enemy are dead go again and fight for increased exp and jp, do the 4 braved lightning AOE attack and you should be fine, rinse and reapeat until u are satisfied with your level

    lvl 7 to 15++ guide END

    lvl12 to 20++ guide
    the place where you level up next is in herena ruins - forgotten walls, its the place where you will chose from the red mage asterix or the thief asterix.

    I am assuming you have triple wield with 3 wizard staffs and using wizard job of-course and to defeat monsters there  with 1 character you need atleast 65m-atck and that goes for everyone in the party

    the 1st thing you need to do is save to the saveman dude[lols]

    and here is the strategy that you need to do to defeat the monsters over there

    this are the monster combination you could be fighting in herena ruins and the pattern of attack that you need to do to kill them fast in just 4 braves of 1 character so that you can do linked encounters for higher exp and jp.
    1. scorpion - mummy - scorpion,  the attack pattern should be frost[all]/frost[all]/heat-dart[mummy]
    2, golem - golem, the attack pattern is Frost-needle[all]/Frost-needle[all]
    3. sandworm - scorpion, frost[all]/frost[all]/frost-dart[sandworm]
    4, mummy- scorpion - gargoyle, you cant defeat this with 4 braves only, i advice killing scorpion and mummy 1st then kill gargoyle which is weak against wind/tornado

    rinse and repeat until u are satisfied with your level

    lvl 19 to 38++ guide[best on exp, money and jp if you have summoner asterix, because you can 1 summon everything there]
    the best place for you to level at 19 to 30++ is outside Ancheim, assuming you have triple wield,spell-craft and 3 wizard staff, its also better if you have the summoner asterix and Ziusudra's Sin summon because you can use only one move to kill a group of monsters. 20 victory streak is achievable there assuming your party feels brave at the start of a battle.

    this are the monster combination you could be fighting outside ancheim and the pattern of attack that you need to do to kill them fast in just 1 move or 4 braves of 1 character so that you can do linked encounters for higher exp and jp.
    1. scorpion - mummy - scorpion,  the attack pattern should be frost[all]/frost[all]/heat-dart[mummy]
    2, Imperial Dessert Stave - Imperial Dessert Stave, i recommend having a Ziusudra summon in here, the attack pattern is Ziusudra-hammer[1st imperial stave]/Ziusudra-hammer[2nd imperial stave]
    3. sandhopper - sandhopper - sandhopper, frost[all]x4 or just use 1 Ziusudra summon
    lvl 19 to 24++ guide

    rinse and repeat until u are satisfied with your level

    lvl 24 to 28++ guide alternative
    the best place for you to level at 24 to 28++ is on grand mill works, assuming you have triple wield,spell-craft and 3 wizard staff, its also better if you have the summoner asterix and deus ex summon because you can use only one move to kill a group of monsters.

    its super simple here just brave 4 times and use deus ex x4 or lightning x4 all monsters there are weak to lightning so spam that thunda!!!!

    rinse and repeat until u are satisfied with your level

    lvl 28 to 32++ guide
    the best place for you to level at 28 to 32++ is outside yunohana, assuming you have triple wield,spell-craft and 3 noxious rod, its also better if you have the summoner asterix with  deus ex and promethean summon.

    the strategy i did here is brave 4 times and use deus ex-blast x2 or promethean-blast x2 depending on what weakness of the monster you are facing

    lvl 42 to 44++ guide alternative
    the best place for you to level at 42 to 44++ is on outside of floriem, assuming you have triple wield,spell-craft and 3 rod of fire, its also better if you have the summoner asterix and prometheus summon because will be faster that way, you will probably get 400jp give or take per 4 win streak.

    its super simple here just brave 4 times and use prometheus summon x4

    lvl 52++ guide
    the best place for you to level at 52++ is at harena sea caves, assuming you have quad wield, triple wield,spell-craft and 3 rod of ice, its also better if you have the summoner asterix with  deus ex and ice/water summon.

    the strategy i did here is brave 4 times and use deus ex-blast x2 or zuisudra's sin-blast x2 depending on what weakness of the monster you are facing

    you can easily get 900+ JP there on 3 win streak only so it will be real fast

    thats it hope you enjoy the game!


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